The Haivision ConnectDVR / DisplayEngine (commonly referred to as the “DE”) system is an HLS streaming device with DVR/timeslip capabilities. It allows video streams to be downloaded or streamed and then played back via the device output.
On a typical setup, there are eight DVRs.
Portable campuses also have a secondary DE.
In nearly all instances, it is recommended to use the Stream Deck / Companion interface; however, it is important to understand how the device works, how to monitor it, and how to control it manually. To login to the web interface, use the login information given in the campus information document.
Once logged in, select a DVR from the list. This loads the DVR in the preview. The video can then be previewed in the browser.
Should this method be used, the recommended method is to load the live DVR, go to the end of the feed, using the >| button, and immediately clicking “Go Live.” You can then control the output using the pause/play button.
The downside to this method is that it is not possible to use any transport controls (FF, RW, scrub) in the output. Another method that can be used is by using the video preview, and clicking “Go Live” when the video is at the correct location. However, the output will not always start at the exact location that was used. This is why it is discouraged to use this method in a live environment. If this method is used, it is recommended to use the “Go Live” button about 15-30 seconds before the live point, and then press the pause in the output until ready to go live.
It is recommended to have the web interface in a browser window so that the output can be monitored, even if controlling it via the Stream Deck. In addition, the current video download status can also be monitored using the browser interface. After clicking a DVR, the current played (preview duration), downloaded, and cloud time can be monitored. In a live environment, the “Downloaded” time should be increasing at a consistent rate (ie: 5 seconds every 5 seconds). If the “Cloud” time goes above 10-15 seconds, there may be network issues, which could negatively affect streaming to the device.
To shutdown the DE, quickly press the power button located on the front of the device and wait until the status LED shuts off.
Since the DE is a small computer, it is always recommended to shut the device down before cutting power to the device.
If the device is in a permanent location, or does not get freshly powered on weekly, it should be rebooted before being used as a playback device. To reboot the device, go to ☰ → Administration → System Settings → Certificates → Reboot → Confirm
. This will take about three minutes.
Older versions of the software may have the reboot menu under a different location,
☰ → Administration → Network → Reboot → Confirm
This is a very common issue with this device. Fortunately, it generally goes away after a reboot. However, sometimes it takes multiple reboots.
The DE can also be controlled with the campus Stream Deck. This is the preferred method, since it provides transport controls and gives more status indicators for when a DVR is live. While every setup will look a little different, here is a basic overview of a setup for the DE.
All buttons affect live playback and do not allow for video preview like the web interface does. That said, the web interface can be open to view the latest preview of the video.
These are very short video support resources that quickly cover the topics referenced in this article.